Yes, there are some funny moments in the dark, gritty, and incredibly acclaimed TV show, ‘Mr. Robot.’ We do not see Elliot or his friends laughing very often (spoiler alert: Almost never), but that does not mean that viewers cannot chuckle at one line or two.
The 2015 TV series currently has a solid 8.7 score at IMDb and holds a vast cult following. The series is the work of Universal Cable Studios and Anonymous Productions and deals not only with the great horrors of our hackable society but also with the emotional recoil young people currently get from living in it.
This digital turmoil also seems to be a reason for laughing, at times, when the characters just can’t hold themselves in any longer from all their preoccupation or when Esmail chooses to show people just how weird a TV show about weirdness can be.
1. Adderall addiction
One Elliot, two Elliots, three Elliots, all walking in the same direction for no apparent reason right there on your screen. Admit it, you laughed, though it is OK if you did not. You probably never saw that coming, neither did anybody.
After weeks of trying to get the ghost of his dad out of his head (hilarious, right?), Elliot gets hooked on Adderall, which gives him a kick he’d never experienced.
However, this is what makes Mr. Robot such a good series, that moment when you start chuckling while simultaneously asking yourself just in the world is even happening to this guy.
2. A bug-free life
Mr. Robot Fans would appreciate just how tension-breaking was when Elliot’s boss Gideon asked a co-worker if he was drinking a Starbucks, following Elliot’s awkwardly funny monolog about leading a ‘normal’ life. Marvel fans, beware.
3. A brother in a fishbowl
There is just something oddly amusing about Elliot’s fish (nicknamed QWERTY) having the imaginary voice of a grown black man asking him to put him close to a window.
4. That time when Jimmy Kimmel became a vigilante hacker
The show became so popular after a bunch of episodes that it won something apparently greater than an Emmy ( and it has lots of those), a feature on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
That is probably the most cynical move the producers have been able to pull off considering the whole anti-system and anti-media vibe on the show.
5. Meet the Aldersons
There is an episode in the series where the main character, Elliot, the lone hacker, the paragon of social anxiety and depression, the guy everyone wants to hug for a complete ten minutes, dreams that his life is a sitcom from the nineties.
Clips of the whole affair are scarce online, but here’s a little sneak peek, Alf the friendly alien and everything included.