
Scientists spot a strange smile-shaped wave in Venus

Astronomers spotted a strange wave over the surface of Venus yesterday with the help of Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft. The scientific community has its eyes on...

Scientists unearth a 12-million-year-old Dog fossil in Maryland

Scientists have unearthed a 12-million-year-old fossil in Maryland, and it represents a new dog species with a strong bite, according to a report on...

Harvard expert discovers LHS 1140b, a “habitable” exoplanet

Scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics discovered a new exoplanet named LHS 1140b. This ‘super-Earth’ orbits a red dwarf just 39 light years...

NASA launches TESS spacecraft to look for planets beyond our galaxy

After the launch of NASA’s planet-hunting spacecraft, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) on Wednesday, on top of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral....

India holds the record of most satellites in a rocket launch

India has surpassed Russia and all of the other countries in the space race by putting 104 satellites into orbit at once. The launch...

Flat-earther delays self-made rocket launch

Mike Hughes, the Flat Earth Society advocate, and amateur rocket scientist has delayed its much-awaited rocket launch due to regulatory issues with the Bureau...

All you need to know about January’s Super Blue Blood Moon

On January 31st, 2018, sky-watchers, moon aficionados and enthusiasts will be in for a rare spectacle that has been given the name of “Super...

NASA’s MAVEN satellite avoids collision with Martian moon

On Tuesday, the team responsible for NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft announced they had to perform an emergency maneuver to steer clear of Phobos, one of...
Alpha Centauri HD image.

The VLT gears up to look for alien planets in Alpha...

Breakthrough Initiatives and the European Southern Observatory announced on Monday an agreement to upgrade the instruments of the organization’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in...

How Giraffe has such long neck; mystery decoded

Have you ever thought why Giraffe has such long neck? How can blood pump 2m up from the chest to brain in tall mammals? Well,...