Every year, at this time, Apple puts together a list of the best apps that are released on the App Store over the course of the last 12 months.
The particular trend is followed in 2015 as well, the only surprise this year being the introduction of the new operating system, the tvOS, and, therefore, newer apps that run on this platform were included. Here is the round up of the top five apps that can run on the Apple TV and tvOS.
With HBO Now, you can get instant access to all the HBO shows, movies, comedy, sports, and documentaries right from the application. As of 2015, the application has more than 1 million subscribers on all iOS platforms.
The interface of the app is pretty intuitive and easy to use, with most of the basic functionalities built-in. This service is limited only to the USA.
Zova- Personal Trainer
The Zova app is a personal trainer application that enables the user to exercise and do fitness related activities without the need of real-time professional guidance. Workouts and training plans are pre-included in this application and all of these plans are designed and developed by expert trainers. Moreover, the app also allows the user to experience multiple styles and forms of exercises; including circuit, strength, Tabata, HIIT and yoga.
The main focus of Zova Personal Trainer is to get you to do the workout without the need for a dedicated place where you have to go, thus performing the given sessions. You can also directly download your workouts to your device in order to have offline access. Sharing your workout with friends and family is available as well, while users can even utilize the Spotlight search of iOS 9 to search for favorite workout regime.
Kitchen Stories
Kitchen Stories is a free video and a photo cookbook app. It gives the user access to thousands of recipes that include step-by-step procedures and also videos illustrating the process of the respective recipe. Clever how-to’s are also included throughout the app that can give a new dimension to your cooking.
Some of the most useful features include the addition of a list of ingredients as reminders that can help you plan your meal with ease. The application also features a weight converter, along with a gimmick that allows users to take notes right with the recipe that they are following.
The NetFlix app is an award-winning application that offers users all Netflix Original series and a rich selection of TV series, movies, and documentaries. The application has something for everyone and provides a safe, family-friendly entertainment. The services on this app are subscription based, which can be canceled anytime the user wishes, while a one-month free trial is part of the package too.
Netflix marquee feature is that new content keeps getting updated on its platform and you can customize the application and suggestions based on your personal likes.
Airbnb app enables the user to plan their travel with just a few clicks. The main purpose behind it is to make you aware of the most interesting places to stay in the world. With over 6,00,000 listings in more than 34,000 cities, the application does make the whole experience very immersive.
This is a boon for travelers as through the application they can manage every detail of their adventure, right from their accommodation and sights that they should visit, to contacting the hosts regarding their stay. It also allows you to plan your itinerary and access it as a later date.
When it comes to the other site of the fence, the hosts, a handful of helpful features are available as well, giving them a hand whilst managing their listings and taking care of the requirements of their guests by keeping in touch with them.
Did you download any of the above? Let us know in the comments below.