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5 Most Anticipated PS4 Games in 2017: Developers Edition

Mass Effect Andromeda.Mass Effect Andromeda.

Mass Effect Andromeda. Image: Gameranx.

Not two days have passed this year, and fans are already raving about what 2017 has in stock for the gaming community. And, since all developers are fans, they get their say in the matter too.

Last year saw the announcement of several exciting developments in the video game industry. Nintendo will finally launch the Switch in March, while Microsoft partners will start rolling out VR headsets later this year for PC gamers.

PlayStation enthusiasts, however, will arguably get the most content on the PS4 in 2017 with over 50 games revealed at December’s PlayStation Experience.

PlayStation Blog set out to ask developers which games are the ones they are most eager to play. Below, a top 5 of the most awaited titles for PS4 in 2017.

1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar Games – Fall 2017)

Rockstar Games teased fans for over a week with cryptic images on social media and their official website before officially confirming the sequel to Red Dead Redemption last October.

The third installment in the Red Dead universe follows a 7-year hiatus since the second game launched in 2010. The new open world adventure will bring the successful online multiplayer mode that has kept GTA V relevant for almost four years now.

Michael Gamble from the Mass Effect: Andromeda team said he was looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2 because it was a beautiful game that puts the Western genre where it should be.

2. Horizon: Zero Dawn (Guerrilla Games – February 28)

Tied with Red Dead Redemption 2 was Horizon: Zero Dawn, the retro-futuristic title by Guerrilla Games debuting this next February on the PS4.

Jason Vandenberghe of Ubisoft Montreal was not particularly impressed at first until he saw the gameplay at a show in Australia last year. Other eight developers shared the excitement of the For Honor creative director.

He praised the character design and combination of action and RPG the game shows. He added the idea of machines as an evolutionary track was amazing.

3. God of War (SIE Santa Monica Studio – Fall/Winter 2017)

The upcoming God of War game will be the first title of the series to deviate significantly from its core elements. All previous installments featured Greek/Roman mythology characters and storylines, but the 2017 game will take place in a Norse background.

Apart from the plot changes, the Bandai Namco project director Kazutoki Kono notes how the new God of War will further improve on in-game mechanics.

4. Mass Effect: Andromeda (BioWare/EA – March 21 [TBC])

BioWare unveiled some exclusive footage of Mass Effect: Andromeda at The Game Awards ceremony last year, bringing the hype for the game even higher.

While neither EA nor BioWare have disclosed a release date for the latest Mass Effect title, rumors hint at a March 21 launch for PS4, and possibly Xbox One and PC.

The Star Wars Battlefront producer, Paul Keslin, was at a loss for words for how eager he was to play the new Mass Effect. “I’m going to sound like an EA shill but I love Mass Effect. So I’m excited for Andromeda, like, to no end,” Keslin said.

5. Shenmue III (December 2017)

Following nearly two decades in obscurity and development hell, Shenmue III will finally arrive on PS4 and PC in late 2017.

The critically-acclaimed series will get a third title after fans of the game crowdfunded over $6 million through Kickstarter for its development two years ago.

Honorable Mentions

Other titles that made it to the list include fan favorites like The Last of Us Part 2, although the community as a whole agrees it is a longshot Naughty Dog releases it this year.

Persona 5, For Honor, Nier: Automata, Resident Evil VII, Prey and more also received praise from industry leaders of acclaimed video game studios.

Source: PlayStation Blog

Rafael Fariñas:
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