In the release of Build 10158 on June 29th, 2015, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) has included features like Microsoft Edge browser, updates to Cortana, improvement in the user experience, addition in Photo apps and more. On the same day, Microsoft has come up with yet another release called as Build 10159 in which they claim that they have fixed more than 300 bugs related to different modules. This new Build 10159 has been released over Windows Insider for Fast ring users.
Here is what Gabe Aul says on the Windows Blog regarding the Microsoft update and Build 10159:
“As you probably know, we validate builds that we produce in internal rings where they’re used by engineers in OSG and Microsoft. If they pass all of our criteria we make them available to Windows Insiders, first to Fast and then to Slow once we know it’s a stable build. We’d been using 10158 for almost a week and knew it was going to be a strong build, and the data backed that up so we released it yesterday. Hot on its heels though was build 10159, which in addition to more fixes (over 300 of them!), took in one very interesting change”
For those who are trying to download Build 10158 and Build 10159, they might possibly get an 0x80246017 error during the download process. If this happens, then the only solution left is to reboot your PC, go back to settings and check for update again. By doing so you will possibly see the availability of Build 10159.
According to PCWorld, there should not be any issue related to this as Microsoft has stopped offering Build 10158 to users. One of the change which is being updated through build 10159 is the login screen which now supports the hero image for the OS.