It has been a little over a week since Samsung officially stopped production of Galaxy Note 7 devices. The Korean tech giant recalled the smartphones not once but twice over a period of nearly two months before finally putting an end to the hazardous Galaxy Note 7.
The company has since been struggling with worldwide backlash, mostly because the Galaxy Note 7 can indeed explode at any given time. Most recently, the U.S. made it a federal crime to board a plane with the controversial handsets.
In spite of admitting the error and offering users alternatives, Samsung has received a lot of criticism online. The net community refuses to put the issue to rest, so they have turned to what they do best: Memes.
1. GTA V mod: Galaxy Note 7 bomb (YouTube)
A video showcasing an original mod for ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ first surfaced on YouTube earlier this month. The mod added Samsung Galaxy Note 7 devices to the game as bombs, making them explode after the player threw them.
The video would have gone largely unnoticed if it was not for Samsung itself. The company issued a copyright claim to the original uploader and took down the video a couple of days later.
Multiple copies of the video have been posted to YouTube since then, and a Reddit post with a GIF from the video made it to the front page on Wednesday to remind Samsung the internet does not forget.
2. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Halloween costume (Facebook)
It was quite unfortunate for Samsung the production halt of its Note 7 devices took place in October. Halloween is just around the corner, and people’s creativity seized the moment.
Facebook user Chris Kiley uploaded a video last week showcasing a unique costume. Kiley wrapped himself in Samsung Galaxy Note 7 boxes and attached a hose to his body under his shirt. When he blows on the hose, smoke comes out of the boxes.
3. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Galaxy Note 7 (Reddit)
Abel Hagen of Wooden Plank Studios posted an original comic to the /r/comics subreddit last week to express his love for the exploding device.
‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Galaxy Note 7’ hilariously shows how, despite all the safety hazards, the Samsung smartphone can still be useful in many situations.
4. Samsung shareholders meeting (Twitter)
Samsung shareholders meeting. pic.twitter.com/goEFVs1VI1
— Stilgherrian (@stilgherrian) October 11, 2016
Twitter user @stilgherrian posted this classic meme of a girl smiling in front of a burning house on the eve of Samsung’s final recall announcement.
Samsung reported the company expected an estimated $3 billion loss after pulling out the Galaxy Note 7 from the market. However, that did not stop the internet pranksters.