A limited time event is coming to ‘Destiny’ just in time for Halloween. Guardians in the world of Destiny will celebrate the ‘Festival of the Lost’ starting this October 25 until November 8. The Festival will bring exclusive new quests, rewards, weapons, and more.
The announcement of the ‘Festival of the Lost’ comes after a recent update of the game just last week. The October 18 patch resolved some issues for ‘Destiny: Rise of Iron’ players, and it increased the difficulty level of enemies and raids. The team over at Bungie said more surprises would be coming soon.
Festival of the Lost 2016 officially marks the beginning of a tradition in the first-person shooter multiplayer. Destiny hosted its first Festival back in 2015, and several players are eagerly expecting this year’s edition of the unique events that will take over the in-game universe.
What is Destiny’s ‘Festival of the Lost’?
In Destiny, the Festival of the Lost is a limited-time event spoof of Halloween. The Festival is a celebration of the dead spirits of citizens and Guardians alike. Players take part in the case by engaging in thematic quests, putting on costumes and collecting candy, just as in real Halloween.
The Festival of the Lost takes place mainly around the Tower, the building that serves as headquarters for Guardians in Destiny. The event introduces rare items that last only for the Festival’s duration, although players can keep some of them depending on their nature.
Festival of the Lost will begin at 2AM Pacific on 10/25/2016. Patch notes for Festival of the Lost will be posted after the event has begun.
— Bungie Help (@BungieHelp) October 24, 2016
What’s new for the ‘Festival of the Lost’ 2016?
This year’s edition of the Festival of the Lost will expand in range. While the Tower is the only location that usually gets an overhaul for the occasion, the Reef and the Iron Temple will also sport themed decorations over the span of the event.
Most of the 2015 Rare Masks will be available for collection through quests again this year. Like last year as well, Eva Levante will be the one in charge to assign quests at the Tower. Lord Saladin and Tyra Karn will do the same at the Iron Temple.

The Festival of the Lost will also bring new Legendary Masks and changes to the Silver Dust economy. Players need to earn candy by engaging in particular themed quests both single and multiplayer. They can use candy to complete quests and get rewards in the form of masks or Treasures of the Lost.
Furthermore, owners of the last Destiny: The Taken King expansion will get a new Crucible map: the Cathedral of Dusk. All Crucible matches will take place in night time settings during the Festival of the Lost.
The Festival of the Lost starts this October 25 at 2 am PT. Destiny players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 can go trick-or-treating until November 8.
Source: Bungie