Apparently, Tesla Motors’ model X60D’s disappearance from the automaker’s official website. The Tesla entry-level electric vehicle was selling for $74,000. Its official release happened only about three months ago.
Reasons for this drop might include sales, first and foremost. Engadget reports the suspicion that model X60D simply was not selling enough, as potential buyers flocked to other models like the S60, which starts at $66,000.
Remaining possibilities for a Model X, which represents a higher class variant of the mass-market Model S (and is, therefore, less affordable) include the 75D, and the 90D, both of which have larger EPA ranges. This list also includes the luxury model P100D.
Tesla’s most recent marketing shifts
The removal of X60D from Tesla’s design studio was also accompanied by the discontinuing of two colors from their paint list, Silver Metallic, and solid White, according to Electrek. Another update included adding Smart Air Suspension to all of the Model X versions, which increased their base prices.
The company allegedly tried to reach Tesla for comment on October 7, but they did not respond. With the removal of 60D, the entry-level vehicle becomes the 75D, which sells for $11,000 more than its predecessor.

The X60D and its contenders
Tesla’s Model X roster (much like Model S) features every technological perk they have created in all of the available automobiles. The only change to price tag comes from the battery, which gives the vehicles their EPA (from the Environmental Protection Agency) range, the number meaning how far they can go before their battery fully drains.
The 75D features a 75kWh (kilowatts per hour) battery which allows it to run 237 miles (or 381 km) before having to recharge. The 90D ups battery capacity to 90kWh for a range 20 miles (32 km) longer and the P100D tops 289 miles (465 km) on its 100kWh battery.

The P100D is the only model with different features, containing Tesla’s signature ‘Ludicrous Speed Upgrade.’ Another option includes the P90D variant of the 90D, which features faster acceleration and an Active Spoiler for roughly $700 more.
Getting ready for Model 3
Elon Musk recently revealed that there would be a special Tesla unveiling programmed for October 17th, their SolarCity event following on the 28th. He announced this via Twitter yesterday without precisely specifying what they would uncover. Rumors include an official showcase of Tesla’s Model 3, expected for late 2017.
The advent of Model 3, the company’s most affordable car yet starting at $35,000, could also be linked to Tesla’s decision to quit producing the X60D.
Source: Electrek