Categories: Tech

T-Mobile makes a phone number for all your devices

T-Mobile announces DigitsT-Mobile announces Digits

T-Mobile launches Beta test of Digits, the universal phone number. Image: TheUSBPort.

U.S. – T-Mobile carrier introduced the DIGITS service on December 7. DIGITS will allow users to assign various phone numbers to a single mobile device, or a single phone number to multiple devices.

The service not only works with numbers from other carriers but also allows users to answer calls with a specific number on any Internet-connected device.

The company launched Digits in a limited beta this Wednesday, and post-paid customers would have to opt-in to try it out.

Users can join on the link down bellow before the service is available for everybody in early 2017.

How does “Digits” work?

The service will be available for some Android phones, while any iPhone or iPad users will have to download the Digits. There will also be a Mac version available from the browser.

Digit’s main feature is customers may link their devices to phone numbers tied to networks like AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint. Also, a single Digits number can ring multiple people at the same time.

It will allow customers to swap between personal and work numbers without keeping separate lines and accounts. T-Mobile subscribers may have as many digits as they wish, according to the promotional video.

Digits is basically a new IMS solution

T-Mobile has stated they had worked on the next-generation feature for years. In a way, Digits is their answer to Google Voice or AT&T NumberSync.

Digits in a new IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) service and solution. Instead of inking a single phone number to a device, the company has created Digits, an authentication system that links to a person identity rather than a phone number.

Digits is an account that holds as many numbers as the customer wants. The user can log in to the account on any device and check voice mails, text messages, and calls across their number catalog.

T-Mobile Digits example
T-Mobile Digits example. Image: T-Mobile.

T-Mobile has not talked about prices yet 

In 2017, Digits will be available on both Windows and Mac computers, smartwatches, smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, on any operational system as long as they have an internet connection.

T-Mobile users will have a Multi-line settings menu to swap between phone numbers and turn them on and off at any time.

The one problem is Digits does not work with iMessage, and T-Mobile is encouraging beta users to disable Apple’s popular messaging platform for a better experience.

Source: T-Mobile Digits

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