‘Stranger Things’ director reveals Season 2 plot & new cast

Stranger-Things-Season-2-latest-news. Image credit: Screen Rant.

On Monday evening, Shawn Levy of ‘Real Steel’ sat down with the Collider reporter Steve Weintraub to talk about ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2. Levy directed a couple of episodes of the first season, and he is returning for a second round with the show.

The 80s nostalgia hit registered record views on the popular streaming platform Netflix when it premiered last summer. ‘Stranger Things’ revolves around a supernatural threat in a small Indiana town and the group of kids who set out to confront it.

Shawn Levy talked to Collider about the second season of the show and gave more hints about the plot. He revealed some of the names that will join the stellar cast of ‘Stranger Things’ in Season 2.

‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 will follow the Byers family up close (Spoiler Alert)

Fans of the show will remember the main plot of the first season of ‘Stranger Things’ centered on the disappearance of Will Byers into the Upside Down.

Following his rescue by his mother Joyce (Winona Ryder) and the Chief of Police Jim Hopper (David Harbour) from the claws of the Demogorgon, Will and his family seem to be living a normal life again. However, not everything was what it seemed.

“Will Byers was in that Upside Down for a while. So Season 2 is about this determined desire to return to normalcy in Hawkins, in the Byers family, in that group of friends, and it’s the struggle to reclaim normalcy and maybe the impossibility of it,” Levy told Collider.

Near the end of the show’s last episode of Season 1, audiences saw Will heading to the bathroom during Christmas dinner. There, he puked a mysterious slug into the sink, presumably a side effect of his long stay in the alternate world.

Shawn Levy teases Season 2 will touch this subject extensively and that it will focus on the idea of the ‘Stranger Things’ cast going back to normal.

‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 will feature three new characters

Levy’s interview with Collider also revealed some exciting cast additions. ‘Stranger Things’ will bring Sean Astin, Paul Reiser, and Leanna Berthelsen to Hawkins, Indiana for Season 2.

Sean Astin, the former ‘Goonies’ star, and Sam in ‘The Lord of The Rings,’ will play Bob Newby. Newby is a manager of the town’s RadioShack store, and he will have a significant role in the upcoming season.

Paul Reiser of ‘Mad About You’ will play Dr. Owens, a potential new villain on the show. Owens is a member of the Department of Energy, and he is sent to Hawkins to deal with the aftermath of the events in Season 1.

Finally, the Danish actress Leanna Berthelsen will play Roman, a new character outside of Hawkins with a connection to the Upside Down and the mysteries that lie in it.

‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 began shooting just a couple of days ago, and there are nine episodes to film scheduled up until January next year. A Summer release seems rushed, so fans are speculating the new season will release in Fall 2017.

Source: Collider

Rafael Fariñas:
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