Microsoft is finally making IP addresses hidden by default on Skype. According to the reports that had surfaced about four years back, there is a flaw in Skype that allowed people with malicious intent access to the IP addresses through the service. While Microsoft had recently introduced this feature, with the recent updates, it is now activated by default.
This change will affect the gamers and streamers the most, as they were the most open to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, duly to the fact that rivals could simply look up their Skype ID and use a number of resolver services to find an IP address and overwhelm it with traffic, so that the targeted person gets knocked off from the server.
Also read: Outlook for iOS and Android update brings Skype Call scheduling
Redmond’s response has been quite slow when it comes to making this update, but, the company acquired Skype in 2011, when it was primarily peer-to-peer software. Microsoft has been working to move Skype over to its own Messenger backend software, which is proving to be increasingly complicated, as it involves providing services that are stable and reliable to millions of users across the world.
Other than this update, Skype has been quite active with several noticeable improvements coming in the recent times. Just over a week ago, Skype also announced they will be integrating group video calls with Microsoft’s mobile email and calendar application for mobile devices on iOS and Android.
Another major announcement was the fact that now Google Translator will be available for all Windows users. Skype also allows you to schedule a call with family and friends and mark it to your Calendar while adding the same call in Outlook from Skype.
With Skype, you can now easily access your documents, as you can share and get Word, PowerPoint and Excel Spreadsheets easily through one on one chat from any user.