Online shopping is an enjoyable experience only when everything goes smoothly. It’s cheaper, more comfortable, and you can do everything from your couch. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, unfortunately, bad things happen all the time. However, but when a problem occurs, it’s much harder to solve it when you’re not physically present during the dispute. Some examples?
- An order is delayed or must be canceled.
- The goods received are damaged.
- A misunderstanding caused the products sent to be non-conforming to the original agreement.
- The refund policy is poorly written or hard to understand.
- The merchant willfully or deliberately committed a fraud od some kind.
In this Purchase Guard Review (look for it at Purchase-guard.com), we’ll have a look at this new impartial dispute mediation service and platform which can help you solve these problems, and much more.
What is Purchase Guard?
When an issue during the buying process occurs, getting in touch with the merchant is the first step, but it is often an exhausting chore. Especially if some kind of fraud is being perpetrated, then a dispute must be filed, but things are rarely so simple.
A mediator is probably the best solution to solve online shopping disputes without too much fuss. This platform acts as a mediation layer between buyers and sellers, guaranteeing a safe online shopping experience for everyone involved in the transaction. In other words, instead of filing a dispute with the e-commerce platform (or merchant), for example, the shopper will deal with Purchase Guard only, leaving its representatives to negotiate with the merchant until the problem is solved.
Purchase Guard – How does the process work?
An impartial mediator between shoppers and merchants is necessary to avoid spending countless hours on the phone (or email), trying to solve an issue caused by an unsuccessful online purchase. Instead of sending a massive number of emails to the seller’s customer service, Purchase Guard will act as an impartial dispute mediation service that will take care of everything for you. Let’s see how the process goes:
Step 1:
First, the user filing the complaint must register his or her account by filling all the necessary personal details (name, email, address, etc.).
Step 2:
The next step is to choose the type of purchase, and then provide a brief explanation of the issue itself. It’s also recommended to add supporting documents or any other valuable evidence.
Step 3:
From now on, a Purchase Guard’s representative will take on the burden of dealing with the seller directly. A negotiation process will ensue until both sides are happy and satisfied with the final resolution.
Step 4:
The dispute will be closed once a compromise that satisfies both the merchant and the shopper is reached. If for some reason the shopper isn’t happy with the outcome, Purchase Guard’s representatives will continue negotiating until a satisfactory resolution is reached.
Why use third-party services such as Purchase Guard to solve your issues?
A mediator between shoppers and merchants may avoid a lot of issues, especially when third parties such as banks or credit card issuers get involved. Complaining directly to a bank or credit card issuer can be an extremely stressful experience. You don’t want to get into an argument with a financial institute, or you may end up having your credit score damaged.
Purchase Guard’s representatives have all the experience and skill to resolve disputes by finding stress-free solutions that will meet the need of both parties. Both the shopper and the merchant get a fair hearing until a solution that makes everyone happy is found. This way, no one loses a significant amount of money, and even merchants know that trusting mediation platforms such as Purchase-guard.com can reduce the number of service disruptions to a minimum.
Purchase Guard is a useful service that helps everyone enjoy the online shopping process while making it safer, and provides a fair and effective solution to all kinds of online buying disputes.