Blizzard has been teasing Overwatch gamers with the release of a new hero in the game for quite some time now.
After a lot of hints about a new character, presumably called Sombra, fans of the game are starting to get pissed because Blizzard has not given an official statement about the release of the hero.
Apparently, the reveal became more imminent this week as more clues and hints appeared on the Internet.
Overwatch players have been digging through some web pages. One of them was a Blizzard forum post with a message in Spanish, in which after a few seconds on the page, it started to change making it look like the PC was being hacked.
There were clues about Sombra in Blizzard’s Spanish forums
The game’s character ‘Reaper’ appeared a couple of times on the screen. Along with him, fake errors appeared too while elements of the page were twisted around the ending with a message that at first sight looked like it does not have any sense.
It was actually a Base64 code that could be translated into other clues along with other messages in Spanish.
A website called ‘A Moment In Crime’ were also one of the websites where gamers ended up visiting after following some clues.
The website had a countdown fans thought it was about Sombra but after it finished they were expecting the download to begin, but the download percentage got stuck and had not moved.
Blizzard has been teasing fans for a while, making them both less interested in the game and more impatient for the release of the new hero.
It is not sure if Blizzard was the one responsible for the clues, but it certainly disappointed Overwatch players.
About Overwatch latest update
A few days ago the company released a patch for the game adjusting and balancing some changes made in an update two weeks ago.
One of the objectives was to modify the character ‘Hanzo,’ whose movement and projectile speed were too high.
Another character that was updated was ‘Soldier 76.’ Now his weapon starts its spread earlier than before and recovers it a lot faster.The last change affects the melee abilities trying to make them more consistent with other abilities.
Overwatch PC players can try out the changes on the PTR servers. The PTR version also gives the players the chance to try out the new map Eichenwalde, that will debut in September.
Source: Gamespot
Yeah… Blizzard has to pull the trigger on releasing that soon or they run the risk of teasing it out way too long.