Nintendo has some meaty contents this week for its fans. The gaming giant has released a fresh batch of digital content and we are providing some of the highlights from this week. Without much fuss, let’s get into it:
Nintendo Download for the running week includes the following-
Virtual Console on Wii U
StarTropics – An action adventure NES sport, released in 1990, it involves Mike Jones who comes to visit his archaeologist uncle, Dr. Steven Jones only to find him missing. Thus begins a death-defying quest to save him and unravel the plot which led to his disappearance.
StarTropics II Zoda’s Revenge: – Mike is back and starts a journey through space and time to rescue seven mystic Tetrads while fighting the goons of his foiled foe Zoda. There are codes to decipher, mysteries to be solved and dragons to be subdued.
eShop on Wii U and 3DS
Fire Emblem Fates – New DLC Maps: III: It is a role-playing, strategic video a brainchild of Intelligent Systems and the gaming console manufacturers SPD. It was created for the 3DS handheld video game console.
The Changing Tide – Shiro’s wounded band in a do or die situation
FEF -Map Pack 2 DLC – The Hoshidan and Nohrian children who were born and raised in the Deeprealms are under attack.
These greenhorns must save themselves and their parents. The six map series is a part of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest games. Users can get all six maps as they are released by purchasing Map Pack 2 for only $7.99.
Also new this week are Infinite Dunamis, Epic Word Search Collection 2, and Conveni Dream all on Nintendo 3DS; Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice, Rynn’s Adventure: Trouble in the Enchanted Forest and Futuridium EP Deluxe on Wii u.
The gaming giant is also offering other sops such as new contents which can be directly downloaded to the users systems. The gaming console’s eShop is a cash-based service and included in its inventory are new and classic games, applications and demos.