September 28th marks the National Drink Beer Day, an unofficial holiday that gives people in the United States the opportunity to drink the nation’s favorite alcohol: beer. The hashtag #NationalDrinkBeerDay is booming on Twitter full of reactions, comments, memes, and posts in celebration of the great festivity.
To celebrate here is a compilation of various facts, drinks, and bars around the country that people can check while they have a cold, tasty glass of their favorite brew.
What are the origins of National Drink Beer Day?
National Drink Beer Day was added to the National Day Calendar just recently, and the truth is that its origins are not precisely known. Researchers have been unable to trace back the holiday to a specific date, but people have celebrated National Drink Beer Day for at least a decade now.

Coincidentally, the September unofficial holiday is not the only beer-dedicated event of the year in the United States. The country celebrates National Beer Day on April 7, and it is, in fact, an official holiday.
National Beer Day does indeed commemorate a significant event, as its origins date back to the times of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Upon signing the Cullen-Harrison Act, a legislation piece that allowed for the sale of beverages with low alcohol levels, Roosevelt ended the Prohibition Era for good.
The iconic U.S. President then uttered his famous words: “I think this would be a good time for a beer.” The passage of the Act was then celebrating by taking Roosevelt’s phrase to heart, and National Beer Day was installed ever since that faithful day in 1933.

Best drinks and places in the U.S. to celebrate National Drink Beer Day
Out of all the states in the country, Milwaukee is perhaps the go-to destination for brewery enthusiasts. Those who want to taste truly real ale will find in Milwaukee that they have gone to the right place.
The Wisconsin city is home to many of America’s most famous brands, including but not limited to MillerCoors, Miller, Pabst, Schiltz, Blatz, and more. Furthermore, the state itself also has several local breweries and bars dedicated to the tasting of fine beer.
Further destinations include the East of the United States (the region with the most predilection for beer), notably New York for its variety of artisanal brews and active lifestyle. The West Coast, on the other hand, also offers some great options in California, home to two of the largest craft breweries in the country: the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company and Lagunitas Brewing Company.
All in all, there is no wrong way to celebrate National Drink Beer Day, so if you don’t feel like going anywhere, you can always just pop one out of the fridge and enjoy the day as you take a sip.
Source: ABC