House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised a question on President Trump’s capacity to carry out the functions of the president while mulling legislation that will allow Congress to rely on the 25th Amendment to remove the president from official duties. The 25th Amendment to the constitution provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.
With only a matter of weeks into the November 3 presidential elections, Nancy Pelosi wants the president to disclose more about his health status after he tested positive to the coronavirus weeks earlier. She said the public needs to be aware of when exactly the president came down with the virus and for how long. She indicated his strange tweets calling for the cessation of talks about any new coronavirus stimulus package and his subsequent reversal as indications that things were not as they seemed with President Trump.
On Friday, she said she would put plans in progress that would activate the commission for review. President Trump, not one to go without launching a response, swiftly fired back at the House Speaker on Twitter.
“Crazy Nancy is the one who should be under observation,” he tweeted. “They don’t call her Crazy for nothing!”
Invoking the 25th Amendment has been on the sidelines for a while among fierce opponents of the president, especially Pelosi. But with the elections drawing so close, it seems the perfect campaign tactics to use as a vote of no confidence in President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The recent outbreak of the coronavirus in the White House only added to the president’s failings, according to critics of the president.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a close ally of the president, lent credence to the poor handling of the safety protocols in the White House when he said he stopped visiting there two months ago due to the situation on the ground.
However, with the House going on recess, serious consideration of the measure is very unlikely. The bill may only be a political tool to bring up questions surrounding the president’s health. Asides from having Congress pass a law that would create a commission to sign the declaration, the House Speaker would also need the nod of Senate Republicans and the signature of the Vice President – an improbable scenario.
Meanwhile, the president has said that he is well and “feeling good.” Although conflicting signals are coming from his medical team, the president is planning on hitting the campaign trail once again.
Source: foxnews.com