The whole project titled “FANTASTIC-5G” (Flexible Air Interface for Scalable service delivery within wireless Communication networks of the 5th Generation) will set the ground for the transition to the next generation networks. Ok the name may not sound half as cool when you see it all, but the acronym is quite impressive. The top 16 companies and research centres in the telecommunications industry around the globe, are working together in order to create a new air interface of 6GHz for 5G networks.
As tablets and smartphones are becoming more and more sophisticated, and while the Internet Of Things leads to an even greater increase of the sensor related traffic, the creation of a new air interface for the 5G network, which will determine the data transfer from and to devices is becoming a necessity.
The project “FANTASTIC-5G” is two years old and its main target is to create a new multi air interface that will run under 6GHz and will stand out for its high flexibility, scalability, high energy efficiency, and easy to upgrade technology.
The team includes a plethora of top companies, telecommunication carriers, universities and research centres such as Orange, Telecom Italia, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei, Intel, Nokia, Samsung, Sequans Communications, Wings ICT Solution, Aalborg University, Politecnico di Bari, Institut Mines-Telecom/Telecom Bretagne, University of Bremen, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (click here to see more Project Participants).
Once completed, the new network is expected to welcome a new era to the virtual world of internet, as data will be able to travel all around the world faster than ever before. Of course, that will probably last until the next faster generation is created. But until then we await to see what the 5th generation will bring along. We won’t have to wait a lot longer.
Sources: (https://5g-ppp.eu/fantastic-5g/ , http://fantastic5g.eu/ )