Everybody aspires to be rich or at least well-to-do. Here you will find a list of jobs that will make you rich in no time at all. There are many majors to pursue and career paths to choose out there, but not all of them are equally good if you want to become rich. In this article, you will find a list of professions that although often intellectually demanding will make you rich in no time at all.
Of course, you may want to become a teacher and still have a happy and fulfilling life. However, who does not want to stop worrying about money forever? If you are still not sure about what major to pick, hopefully, this article will steer you in the rich direction.
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1. Medicine
It is no secret that doctors make good money. Even though it can take up to 10 years and tons of loans to establish yourself in this career, all the time, effort and expenses will pay off nicely once you are done with schooling and residency.
However, you need to be really passionate about it. Otherwise, you may end up years in debt, while not having any proper education to get rid of it. So, if you are not sure whether you want to become a doctor, there are easier and less risky paths to follow.
2. Data Scientist
If you are a Math lover, then this is a kind of job for you. As a data scientist, you will have to analyze big chunks of data and present your findings and solutions to companies and business leaders. You will, however, need to have at least a Master’s degree (often a Ph.D.).
If you want to understand whether this is the right career choice for you, I’d recommend you to revisit your probability and statistics knowledge as well as take a free Python course online. This will help you figure out if this is the right job for you, or you just want to get rich.
3. Engineer
This one is not surprising, and unlike the previous two options, you only need to have a Bachelor’s to become an engineer. However, do not relax just yet. It is extremely hard to finish an engineering school (it has a very high dropout rate).
Moreover, you need to decide what type of engineering you want to pursue. It can be mechanical or electrical, chemical or environmental. It can also be computer engineering. Whatever you choose, make sure you have no doubts as it is hard to change your major afterward.
4. Lawyer
Lawyers have a bad reputation, but it is still a lucrative and rewarding career. Moreover, you will have to follow a strict ethics code to be able to practice law without any issues. In order to become a lawyer, you will need a Bachelor’s degree as well as three years of law school.
You need to be really passionate about the job if you want to stay in it for long. Often lawyers have to work long hours and weekends to assist their clients. In addition, a law school may not always be enough. Patent lawyers, for instance, need some technical background as well.
5. Blogger
You probably heard about successful bloggers making millions of dollars without ever having to put in 9 to 5. The crux of the issue here is that it is very hard to gain that kind of popularity. Moreover, even though you do not have to comply with the rigid schedule, you still have to work extra hard.
Blog creation, video editing, and even writing – all those take a lot of time if you want to deliver a quality product. Moreover, even if you do – there is no guarantee you will become popular overnight. You will have to be patient and persevere despite the initial obscurity and even negativity.
There are many more professions you can pursue that can make you rich very quickly. The problem here is that almost all of them require extensive training and effort on your side, as well as a lot of money spent on formal education.
I would advise you not to be beguiled by the salary and focus on your passion, rather than a paycheck. No matter what career you choose – you need to be the best at it to become rich. Therefore, try to find a middle ground between what you like and what is reasonable.