Categories: Tech

Google, Amazon & Apple executives to attend Trump’s tech summit

President-elect Donald Trump speaks at the DeltaPlex Arena. Image Source: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Extended invitations to Donald Trump’s tech summit scheduled for this Wednesday, December 14, now include Tim Cook (Apple’s CEO), Jeff Bezos (from Amazon), and many others that will confirm their attendance later on.

A preliminary list, so far, includes Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Alphabet CEO Larry Page, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich, Tesla’s Elon Musk is apparently invited as well but has not confirmed.

Sources related to the President-elect indicate that this summit will take at Trump Tower in New York. They have not disclosed any further details. This meeting comes justs weeks after Obama ordered cyber security report on the alleged Russian hacking of the election, a topic that is sure to appear in the discussion.

Obama speaks against cyber crimes and urgues the Cyber Security Commission to step up its game with President Elect Donald Trump in command. Image source: SputnikObama speaks against cyber crimes and urgues the Cyber Security Commission to step up its game with President Elect Donald Trump in command. Image source: Sputnik
Obama speaks against cyber crimes and urges the Cyber Security Commission to step up its game with President Elect Donald Trump in command. Image Source: Sputnik

This summit could be Trump’s first step to realizing his ideas on cyber-security

President-elect Donald Trump has been keen on stating his intentions for larger cyber-security in the United States, citing many measures that are sure to require cooperation for the biggest companies in the country.

The topic of digital safety in the United States is becoming increasingly significant. 2016 could arguably be the year that saw the greatest number of large-scale cyber-attacks in the history of the United States.

The meeting could address this issues also as response to pressure from the Obama-led cyber-security commission, whose report came out more than a week ago. The tech summit, however, is sure to include political, economical, and business-related discussion in a much larger percentage.

Many attending executives and their companies have had previous issues with Trump

Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, first stated that he was not invited and later clarified that he was not sure. He leads Trump’s favorite social media outlet but does not support him. Twitter has even stated in a press release that they could ban the President-elect for hate speech very soon.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is also on the President’s wrong side. The latter called the former’s company a ‘non-profit’ endeavor and is not happy about the critical stance adopted by the Washington Post on him, a newspaper that is also Bezos-owned.

Tim Cook, from Apple, was also at the center of Trump-related controversy when the company declined to unlock the phone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, a decision that Trump opposed very harshly.

So far, the only open Trump supporter to attend is Peter Thiel, a Facebook board member and the co-founder of PayPal. Thiel sent the invitation along with Trump-related personalities Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner. He is also on Trump’s transition team adviser.

Source: International Business Times

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