Nowadays, many websites offer heavily discounted activation keys for software. However, they can be suspicious and your credit card details could be stolen. G2A.com is a place from where you can buy keys for PC games and activation codes for PSN and Xbox Live credit, including codes for other softwares. Operating like a marketplace like Ebay, you can see game codes by registering as a seller. But can you trust G2A? In this article, we will elaborate whether G2A Games is genuine or not.
G2A is based in Hong Kong, Customer Support office located in Poland
Firstly, G2A was established by a group of gamers based in Hong Kong with an intention to provide the best digital game licenses. We inspected the footer of the website and noticed that the company has provided the complete address and business registration number. Moreover, the customer support office is situated in Poland and the website lists the email address. If you have any doubt, you can contact them via email before making a purchase.
The game keys listed on the website are uploaded by marketplace sellers, who can be private individuals who purchased a game but not used it due to some reasons. It could also be keys of those persons who bought keys in bulk quantities and offering them for sale.
As part of the customer protection initiatives, G2A automatically activates G2A shield to your shopping cart during the purchase process, which basically provides insurance against a non-working key. You can either claim a valid replacement key or a complete refund.
G2A will not honor insurance from time to time
We verified a reputed tech based forum portal to check whether G2A is legitimate, where many members have responded positively. A reply stated, “I have used them with good results in the past.“. However, few people have replied that G2A will not honor insurance after you claim it and will ignore you upon request.
We also came across some replies where games have stated the inherent risks associated with G2A. However, if you are not using your credit card directly then there is a limited risk.
Use PaySafe or PayPal whilst purchasing games from G2A
From our point of view, you have to take some amount of risk when you attempt to make a purchase via G2A, because you will not be able to post your complaints anywhere. If there is any problem, you have to contact the company and in most cases you will get a standard template reply.
If you are really interested in buying a key from G2A, you should first try to buy a key that is cheap. If you feel that the key works well and your credit card is not compromise, then you can go ahead and make a bigger purchase.