The coworking scene got its start in the noughties and it was just a small idea to bring entrepreneurs together to work in a place that nurtured creativity and innovation. Today, in Auckland, Wellington, and other notable places in New Zealand, the business community is benefitting from an office plan that creates the opportunity for independent thought plus industry plus creativity to be the progenitor of some pretty amazing ventures. By removing the barriers that traditionally define the office, coworking’s creative format has created a platform for businesses of all sizes to capitalize on the comfortable workspace.
While the offices have grown from being drab hole-in-the-walls to places decorated and designed for maximum productivity, the mission of creating space for both collaboration and creativity still holds true, and this is also the case for many coworking spaces that make New Zealand’s work atmosphere. In addition to Servcorp Coworking spaces at http://www.servcorp.co.nz/en/coworking/, other corporate serviced office providers are finding this small island a big opportunity to provide office space to businesses of all sizes. In a business climate that often welcomes fluid business relationships based on respect, New Zealand’s business community is a fertile landscape for building creativity in the coworking space.
Let’s take a closer look the ways in which creativity within the coworking space can take your business to new heights.
Making Connections
The coworking space is the prime location for building the types of relationships that lead to other opportunities. For one, the office layout primes the pump of social interaction in that people can connect to each other through conversation at the hot desks, dedicated desks, or any of the designated break areas. Then, really great coworking spaces make the effort of including an events calendar designed to get coworking professionals to meet each other. Both professional and social events are the glue that creates opportunities for building business relationships. The coworking space, essentially, presents professionals with the platform to network while at work.
Building Teams
The coworking space is also a place that encourages team building. The purpose of the coworking space is so that people can both work but also build business relationships. Out of these relationships, people can use the space as a place for creating collaborative projects or permanent partnerships. In fact, many of the larger spaces include access to conference and meeting rooms as a part of the coworking space, so that there is a place for collaboration. The art of the coworking space is that it provides businesses with an all-in-one platform for building teams in the workspace.
Exchanging Ideas
Industry diversity is the key to creating these types of business opportunities. Within one space, it is not uncommon to find professionals from different professions working in the same office, unless space is niche or industry-specific. For your business, it means being able to take advantage of office space that has built-in resources that can be tapped when needed. In many cases, your office becomes a marketplace of enterprise that can be a resource for referrals and procuring goods and services.
More importantly, this marketplace becomes the source from which much inspiration and creativity are born. As a part of the collaboration, creativity becomes a part of the conversation simply because all participants are learning from each other and adding this knowledge to their already established cache of information. Creativity comes from finding ways to take what we have learned and shape it into something new.
Creativity For The New Year
Many businesses will make resolutions to make more money. Others will take it as an opportunity to make resolutions regarding productivity and industry. Your business, however, can benefit from a resolution that promotes creativity in the workspace simply by adopting the coworking plan.