
Chinese space station Tiangong-1 could reenter Earth on April Fool’s

According to the European Space Agency, the first Chinese space station Tiangong 1 will be re-entering Earth’s atmosphere sometime between March 30 and April...
NASA Opportunity Mars rover will explore fluid-carved gully

NASA Opportunity Mars rover will explore fluid-carved gully

The oldest exploration rover on Mars will take on another mission. The Opportunity Mars rover will set out to explore a gully on Mars...
Climate Change and Deforestation Killing World’s Oldest Trees and Stunting Younger Ones

Climate Change and Deforestation Killing World’s Oldest Trees and Stunting Younger...

A study published in the journal Science reveals that a combination of climate change and deforestation is destroying ancient trees, and stunting younger ones....
Professor John B goodenough,lithium-glass battery, clean energy

New lithium-glass battery could have saved Samsung Billions

A team of University of Texas engineers, led by Professor John Goodenough, has developed a new lithium-glass battery that could displace current lithium-ion standards....

Dinosaur extinction by meteor might have caused birth of sea volcanoes

If you ever wondered how the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs and three-quarters of life on Earth managed to do so, there is...

Warm oasis in Antarctic caves may host new species

Australian National University researchers along with colleagues from the University of Waikato in New Zealand announced on Thursday the discovery of DNA samples from...

Pence chooses to go to the moon again

At the first meeting of the reinstated National Space Council (NSC) on Thursday, Vice-President Mike Pence said the United States will send astronauts to...

2016 is the third consecutive hottest year on record

Scientists at NASA recorded the highest heat signatures on the planet last year, in 2016. However, both 2015 and 2014 were also the hottest...
ORNL scientists transform carbon dioxide into ethanol by accident.

Scientists from Tennessee transform CO2 into ethanol by accident

A team of specialists from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee recently discovered a method to turn carbon dioxide into ethanol. The...

Donald Trump to boost the US Space Program

President-elect Donald J. Trump has not taken office yet, but people are already wondering what his presidency will be like. While most worry about...