Beyoncé surprised all of her fans with the final presentation of her Formation tour. The concert was held at the MetLife Stadium located in New Jersey on October 7th. She classified the night as “something special” when she invited three other world class stars to join her on the stage.
The concert remained the same as the first one of the tour. Except “Single Ladies” and “Irreplaceable,” all of her featured songs appeared on the Formation Tour’s final event. Hits such as “Formation” and “Sorry” were the fans’ favorites of the evening.
Also, the scenography remained mostly the same with the fireworks, fire spectacles and “The Monolith.” This last piece is an iconic sixty-foot tall rotating cube with shows video feed; on one side it showed the concert, and on its other face, it showed symbolic extracts of Beyoncé’s videos.
Jay-Z, Serena Williams, and Kendrick Lamar were Beyoncé’s honored guests
The guest list for this presentation was the most important part of the night. The first guest that Beyoncé invited was none other than her husband, Jay-z. Together they sang the hit “Drunk in Love” in a duo performance. However, he stayed just for this song and then left the stage.
Then, she announced her next guest, Kendrick Lamar. She started singing the most symbolic song of the tour, “Formation,” when suddenly she was joined by Lamar on stage. Lamar and Beyoncé sang together in another duo performance. They also danced playfully on the water fountains around the stage to create a very light atmosphere.
During both of these performances, people could see Serena Williams doing different dance poses and moving around the back side of the stage. Beyoncé mentioned she wanted her to empower the show by bringing her as a female symbol of success.
“THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A WEAK WOMAN,” said Beyoncé during her performance after Serena’s appearance.
The Formation tour had some minor issues in the past
The concert’s finale closed with a huge success the Formation tour for Beyoncé. However, this presentation was held back a whole month after the singer was put on medical rest. Her doctor demanded that she took a vocal rest for this time due to the risk of damaging her vocal cords.
Beyoncé felt sorry for this issue but insisted that the presentation was going to be held in the future no matter the wait. Fans have commented that these guests were the way to make the concert more unique. This way, the singer apologized for letting down her fans before.
Source: Billboard