The iPhone 7 parody got more than 2 million views in only two days
Apple has made many notable advertisements and promotional videos since the 1980’s. The 1984 Super Bowl commercial is the most iconic of them all. It presented the original Macintosh by mimicking imagery from George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian novel.
The Think Different campaign in the 1990s linked Apple to famous social figures like John Lennon and Mahatma Gandhi and introduced “Think Different” as the company’s new slogan.
Other famous advertising campaigns include the “iPod People” in the 2000’s, the 2002 Switch campaign, and most recently the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign between 2006 and 2009.
Apple’s lackluster iPhone 7 announcement has provided the perfect opportunity to walk down memory lane and remember the funniest Apple parody commercials on the net.
The company takes its products very seriously, and promo videos have always been a reflection of it. Even though some of them have become overly famous, they have also inspired many parody versions.
GLaDOSSiri on iPhone 4S
Parody videos were all over the Internet when intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator Siri was first launched on the iPhone 4S.
However, the best was, without a doubt, the one that replaces Siri’s voice with that of GLaDOS, the psychotic artificial intelligence which tried to kill Chell in Portal. Instead of being helpful like Siri, it answers to tasks with hilarious insults.
The iPhone 5 tower
The iPhone 5 retained the same width as previous models, but the designers make it taller than its predecessor. So, it looked like more of a tower than a phone. Androids were bigger in all directions, but Apple preferred to compete by building a skyscraper.
Comedy sites joked about it and how subsequent iPhones would look. One video even introduced a new iPhone 5 that was ‘18% thinner and 795% taller.’ It also made scrolling a thing of the past, and could take panorama images in a single shot.
IKEA mocks Apple
Apple fans who appeared sitting in heavenly white studios explaining how the new MacBook would change the entire world thanks to a slight upgrade were the target of the IKEA 2015 catalog ad campaign.
A parody of Apple’s MacBook ads, it introduced the BookBook, which comes with a fully charged battery and eternal battery life. The revolutionary device also features tactile touch interface, no-lag page renders, and thumb-powered speed browsing.
The Apple Watch parody
Apple liked the white studio full of people praising its products because the Apple Watch campaign was very similar, and the jokesters couldn’t miss the chance to have some fun.
The only problem was that this parody video appeared when the latest Apple device hadn’t even come out. Having to charge the Apple Watch every night didn’t help at all and received the obvious sarcastic response ‘Yes, just like a regular watch.’
Nobody asked for it, but now they can use their watch for incredible unnecessary things like the heartbeat feature, maps, watching YouTube videos, and Apple Pay. Users can do that on every other device in an easier way but, whatever, just “Think Different.”
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver also parodied Apple ads
John Oliver addressed Net Neutrality on his weekly show. He specifically talked about the FBI vs. Apple case. In the show, Oliver made fun of how politicians didn’t understand how the technology worked.
Then, he joked about how Apple’s advertising could have something to do with it. In fact, the show unveiled a hysterical ad parody addressing how the company dealt with security and battery issues.
Source: Macworld UK