Purchasing a car for the very first time can certainly be overwhelming, and the choices you make along the way can have significant impacts on your financial future. With this in mind, we have come up with some useful tips, so becoming a first-time car owner isn’t as stressful as you may have anticipated. If you have little clue on buying cars, maintaining them or how you are going to afford to make such a huge purchase, we have put together this small guide to ensure you have all of the information you need when it comes to buying a car for the very first time.
Selecting the right car
You need to research the type of car you like the design of and the personal functional requirements. Buying cars and selling them on quickly can leave you in a financial mess if purchased on a cash basis as the price of vehicles depreciates exceptionally quickly. Therefore, you need to be sure on the car from the get-go and intend to keep it on a long-term basis, so you don’t lose too much money on it.
Here are a few things to bear in mind when it comes to selecting a car:
- Fuel economy: Not everyone will mind too much about how economical the vehicle is, but those who will be venturing on long journeys or have strict budgets to stick to should look into which make and model has a low fuel economy.
- The number of seats: If you are single or don’t have family members nearby, you may be happy with a two, four or five-seater car at maximum. However, if you are considering having your own family in the very near future, then larger family-sized vehicles would be much more suitable.
- Towing capabilities: If you are a keen camper or own boats and trailers, then you need to be sure that the car you select is capable of towing. You can add on tow kits later, but the weight of the vehicle will determine if this will even be an option.
- Maintenance: If you have a busy life and are looking for a straight-forward, no-nonsense vehicle that doesn’t require too much upkeep, then stay away from cars that are going to require regular oil changes or need part replacements frequently. Browse online or talk to your dealer if you have any hesitations or questions.
Set a budget and work out the finances
Before purchasing a car, you need to work out how much you can realistically afford. Typically, you need to consider what you are happy to pay every month, as many car owners choose to take out loans rather than paying for the car upfront. Take a look at your cost of living, including how much you pay out on rent, food, and other necessary bills before selecting a finance plan which works for you. You may have seen advertisements on 0% interest auto loan financing and wondered whether there was a doubtful catch to be aware of, but these schemes are, in fact, legitimate and can work for you – providing you can pass the set criteria. It is often the case that these types of loans are offered when the salesperson wishes to sell a particular make or model of a vehicle; but if you’re flexible on the type of car you’re looking for, then you’ll save heaps of cash which would otherwise be spent on interest. Discover more on how to qualify, find, and apply for a 0% interest auto loan today.
Take a test drive
Although you may believe you’ve found a suitable car that’s right for you, you’re only going to realize the suitability once you get behind the wheel and take a test drive. There are many aspects that come into play during the test drive which may determine whether you seal the deal. These may include the likes of seat height, control layout, wheel adjustment, visibility and responsivity of the gear stick and clutch.
Be aware of the necessary maintenance
All cars require minimum maintenance to remain in reliable, working condition. For some vehicles, it may be advisable to put them in car storage like Auto Vault. You will need to replace the window wipers regularly and be sure to keep on top of washing and waxing the bodywork of the car to prevent corrosive salt, grit and bird droppings damaging the paint. You will also need to keep in check that your tires are well inflated at least once a month. To avoid any disasters, it would be worth keeping a tire pressure gauge in the trunk of the car when venturing out on long journeys to prevent flat tires.