Winter Olympics bring about the dawn of 5G connectivity

5G technology is ready to be deployed as the next generation of wireless technology with remarkable speed. It aims at a higher capacity than current 4G platforms as it was to be expected, but 5G will have a dramatically big entrance as it will be tested at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

These Winter Olympic Games seek to provide a showcase to display the technologies that will touch the day to day life, and in this occasion, the most influential tech that will be presented is the mobile broadband that will be powering mobile users in the next generation.

Intel chief strategy officer Aicha Evans stated that one of the goals regarding the test deployment of 5G in the Olympic event is to get crucial measurements for what may be applied once the platform is officially deployed worldwide.

Since the attendants will be looking forward to sharing millions of GB worth of images and video experiences, companies will be able to both test 5G wireless services and the consistency, reliability of the broadband before its commercialized release to phone companies and wireless providers.

5G: what is it and how does it work

This new technology puts on the table super fast speed near zero latency on your phone since NASA has been getting their hands on wireless technology since April 2008, partnering up with Machine to Machine Intelligence Corp. (M2MI) in order to develop communications.

NASA, in fact, hasn’t been the only big name working on the development of 5G. The UK government has also been funding and partnering up with international mobile operators and infrastructure providers in order to come up with a better and faster technology than current 4G.

But also the main goal is for it to consume much less energy than the current top wireless tech.

It is safe to say that the development of 5G technology has been a multinational effort to bring up since the EU was also part of its creation.

However one of the most outstanding features of 5G technology is that it will allow rates of tens of megabits per second while it will provide 100 megabits per second on metropolitan areas for thousands of users.

Is 5G technology truly accessible for global deployment?

When it comes to accessibility 5G tech is still to confirm official standards which makes it complex for the hardware industry.  Yet many OEM like Ericsson, Nokia, and Huawei are already taking a head start with early trial releases in order to be ready when 5G takes over.

It is unknown however what will be the cost from operators, however a constant concern for many 5G developers is the frequency spectrum shortage there may be, given the fact that there are many parts of the world with no access whatsoever to 4G network, so 5G could be seen as a trait for a few specific locations around globe.e

Arturo Farage:
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