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The Great Pyramid of Giza could be hiding an extra chamber

Scientists might have discovered secret chambers in the Great Pyramid of Giza.Scientists might have discovered secret chambers in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Scientists might have discovered secret chambers in the Great Pyramid of Giza.. Image credit:

Egypt, Giza – Longstanding rumors of hidden tombs and secret passageways in the Great Pyramid of Giza, last remaining wonder of the world, might be right. Researchers uncovered evidence of undiscovered cavities beneath the construction.

ScanPyramids project uses several scanning techniques to investigate the insides of this kind of edifications without risks of altering or damaging it. The team says there is a “void” hidden behind the north face that has the form of a corridor going inside the Great Pyramid.

Researchers have been aware of only three chambers within the 4,5000-year-old-estructure. However, new evidence revealed pockets of the different temperature inside the mausoleum hinting there is one more room 105m beneath the resting place of Egyptian pharaoh Khufu.

What is Muography? 

Muography records elementary particles (muons) that cosmic rays produce when they collide with the earth’s atmosphere. Muons are highly penetrative, and millions pass through the human body every day.

The technique, much like an X-ray, allows scientist to see beyond things, even massive objects like the pyramids.

“Just like X-rays pass through our bodies enabling us to visualize our skeleton, these elementary particles, weighing around 200 times more than electrons, can easily go through any structure,” said co-director of ScanPyramyds Mehdi Yayoubi to Discovery News.

ScanPyramids project was the first team in history to use muography, thermography, and 3D simulation to “scan” the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Zahi Hawass thinks there aren’t more hidden chambers in the Great Pyramid of Giza

The project is a led initiative between the engineering faculty at Cairo University and the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute, a Paris-based nonprofit organization.

The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, gave the group authority to study the pyramids, but now the government is discrediting their results.

Hawass leads a committee reviewing the team’s data but believes there are no secret rooms in the Great Pyramids and that the anomalies exist because of the way the ancestors built the structure.

Both large and small stones stacked across the pyramid’s building may confuse scanning technologies. Either way, the project received permission from the government to try and gather more evidence that could support the theory.

The team will keep acquiring muon data from Khufu’s Queen Chamber with other electronics. They expect to have further results during the first three months of 2017.

Source: HIP

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