Staramba pushes boundaries of VR media

In the past decade, virtual reality (VR) and technology have developed rapidly in the entertainment and video game industries. Gadgets like the Oculus Rift or the PlayStation VR are allowing people to experience a fantasy world where the main characters are themselves, and enter a fictional place where escape from reality becomes literally accessible.

Virtual Reality isn’t exclusive to gaming, though. In fact, there are virtual platforms that allow you to travel and immerse yourself in documentary features. In spite of the VR market still being in its infancy, it is not-so-slowly, but surely, taking on a concrete shape.

On January 22nd, The Berlin-based startup Staramba stated that VR network will play a leading role in shaping the market. “VR has the potential to revolutionize all areas of life,” assured Christian Daudert, founder of Staramba.

Today’s fiction might be tomorrow’s reality in VR, a social network which is currently under development, works with VR using 3D photo-realistic avatars. Here, the public can interact with celebrities like Usain Bolt, KISS, and footballers from teams such as FC Bayern Munich and Real Madrid. NFL and WWE personalities are also available. Even posthumously, celebrities like Elvis Presley are to be featured in the network.

Steven Spielberg’s upcoming film Ready Player One, based on the novel of the same name by Ernest Cline, tells the story of a near-future dystopia where the population spends most of their time in a virtual reality space called The Oasis (Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation).

There they can participate in numerous real-life activities for work, education, and entertainment. As the public awaits the film revolving around VR, the legendary director confesses his predictions for the future and its fast rise: “I suddenly saw a future that Ernest Cline, the writer of the book, envisioned. It wasn’t too far away from what I think is going to happen someday.” Spielberg also stated in an interview promoting Ready Player One that “Virtual Reality will be a super drug.”

Spielberg and Cline may not be too far away from the truth as the number of future projects involving Virtual Reality quickly become larger and larger. The Oculus Rift or life-changing under-development-tech like are perfect examples of how VR will probably shape up the market in the near-future.

VR tech is gaining ground in other industries

Major brands are investing in the VR market, including Marriot Hotels, the Hilton and The Renaissance which gives the user a 4D tourism experience. About 75% of the Forbes’ Most Valuable Brands have shaped or are developing some form of Virtual Reality for their customers.

VR is meant to enhance reality and give the user new experiences that may feel almost realistic. It’s important for the public to be reminded that virtual reality is not reality, and it doesn’t replace it, at least not yet.

Source: Staramba

Arturo Farage:
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