Why You Should Go for Reading Paper Samples

Academic writing is an exacting venture requiring writers to follow certain complex rules and principles to learn this craft. As one of the most effective ways of improving one’s science writing skills, reading academic samples largely strengthens students’ writing perception as well as acts as an efficient practice of academic writing. Yes, to write as real professionals do at the writing service GPALabs, for example, you need to take a good look at the works of those professionals, right? That being said, reading academic samples seems extremely relevant and beneficial.

Professionally developed paper samples feature an expert approach and the right structure that every solid academic paper should have. This means that, by studying samples carefully, you can gain the knowledge and techniques of successful writers, either those working for online writing services or scholars who create handbooks and other research materials. Academic samples are an indispensable tool for learning the craft of academic writing, and, by paying proper attention to this effective practice, you can double your chances of mastering genuine academic excellence. Undervalued by many, paper samples provide beginning writers with essential equipment for writing in a professional and compelling way.

Given the high effectivity of reading paper samples, we urge you to screen the solid sample we have included in this article.

Are Working Mothers Harming Their Families?

The inscription of the feminist ideology to contemporary society opened up plenty of career opportunities for women. Gone are the days wherein mothers are expected to focus solely on household care and child-rearing. Unfortunately, this triumph in their long quest for equality came at a cost as critics were quick to judge that working mothers indirectly harm their respective families.

In particular, the theory posits that behavioral problems and keeping up with academic challenges are recurring unaddressed issues faced by children of working mothers. These were, however, repudiated by various researches tending to prove otherwise. Meikle, for instance, points out that there is no basis nor evidence to the claim that working mothers can be detrimental to their children. His conclusion was supported by the results of a project undertaken by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University College London. Overall, maternal employment seems to have a limited impact on children’s behavior and academic achievement over the short term, and instead, appeared to be beneficial in the long-term. Point of fact, in a study led by McGinn, Castro, and Lingo, it was revealed that daughters raised by working mothers usually end up having jobs as adults. Meanwhile, men whose mothers worked while they were growing up spend about 50 minutes or more caring for family members each week compared to men whose mothers did not work. Most importantly, the above studies also revealed that working mothers make up for lost time through better quality-time, such as engagement in structured activities, which involves interaction and communication with their children.
Though far from being comprehensive, the foregoing provides a rough yet sufficient output to belie the injustice thrown towards working mothers. After all, ideal parenting, especially for mothers, should not be measured on the number of hours spent with the children alone. Unquantifiable factors, usually derived from structured activities, must also be taken into consideration.

Pablo Luna:
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