Categories: Tech

Microsoft and Xiaomi join forces in AI, cloud, and hardware push

Xiaomi and Microsoft are about to help each other grow in key areas of tech development. Image: Compfight

Microsoft strengthened its partnership, which ties back to 2015, with smart devices manufacturer and service provider Xiaomi in order to expand its global market expansion. Through the increasing and constant development of cloud services, AI and hardware designs in which Microsoft has an obvious market experience.

Microsoft seeks to support Xiaomi so they can improve both hardware and software services, given the Chinese rapid development of innovative products. The partnership will be focused on the improvement of a larger cloud database for Windows and Xiaomi utilizing Microsoft´s Azure cloud.

Other aspects of the deal include both companies’ keen eye on the manufacturing of AI speakers powered by Cortana, as well as assistants on Windows laptops perhaps manufactured by Xiaomi in the future.

Xiaomi and Microsoft’s key development points

Microsoft has set several focus points for the partnership to tackle, among them, Cloud service support. Xiaomi can rapidly expand its global market user base by using Microsoft’s Azure as a base to upgrade, which could, in turn, prove to be a big boost for the Chinese company.

Harry Shum, vice president of Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence and Research Group said “Xiaomi is one of the most innovative companies in China, and it is becoming increasingly popular in various markets around the world. Microsoft’s unique strengths and experience in AI, as well as our products like Azure, will enable Xiaomi to develop more cutting-edge technology for everyone around the world.”

It seems like Microsoft´s trust has been fully deposited on Xiaomi since it has been announced that both parties will engage in joint marketing and Microsoft will be supporting future Xiaomi laptop and hardware devices in order to burst into the international markets from Beijing.

Xiaomi’s road to the top of tech

Founded on April 6th, 2010 by Lei Jun and seven other partners, Xiaomi, a software and electronics company which has gathered popularity in its home, China, and other countries in Asia, plans to expand its tech devices to a broader international scale, hence its partnership with Microsoft.

In 2014, the company expanded their headquarters to Singapore in order to obtain more international success, announcing that future product launches will be organized and set up there. After the Singapore expansion, the company set up shops in Malaysia, Philippines, and India with upcoming plans to enter Thailand, Russia, Turkey, Brazil and Mexico in the near-future.

Source: Microsoft

Arturo Farage:
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