Categories: Health

Melanoma Symptoms: Signs to look out for

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that is not limited to a certain age-group and is usually treatable given that the disease is detected in its early stages. The disease is characterized by the darkening of skin, as well as cancerous growth in the form of moles.

Here are a few Melanoma symptoms you can look out for:


Melanoma can lead to itchy skin in different locations. Given the time these turn into sores and refuse to heal. If you notice a persistent sore, check on for other signs of the disease.


Moles since birth are usually harmless. So is a mole that develops during adulthood, unless it is characterized by:

  • Unusual Growth

Unlike regular moles, cancerous ones tend to be asymmetrical, and continue to grow. The edges are bumpy/ irregular and can measure up to 6 millimeters or more. These types of moles tend to remain ever-evolving in their size, shape and shade.

  • Color

Cancerous moles usually have different shades of colors ranging from black and brown to red, pink, white and even blue. Such abnormalities should be checked by your doctor immediately.


Look for any swelling or redness around the darkened patch or mole. If it looks unusual, you should probably get it checked by your dermatologist. You should also consult your doctor if you notice that your dark spots are growing in size around their borders.

Sometimes it is hard to inspect all portions of your body, which is why you should have your doctor inspect your skin for abnormalities. These spots and moles are a common occurrence on the back in men and on the legs among women.

A precancerous mole can be easily excised under local anesthesia. However, if you wait for the melanoma patch or mole to grow, it becomes all the more difficult to treat.

In rare cases, melanoma may occur and grow in the eye. If the growth is in the iris, it will be visible to the naked eye and will be characterized by a change in color in your iris. But if the growth begins inside the eye, no outward signs will be visible, but you may notice a change in your quality of your sight.

Pablo Luna:
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