Categories: Games

Humble Bundle launches new Sierra adventure games collection

The bundle does nothing but confirm Sierra Entertainment’s comeback. Image Source: Twitter

Video gaming digital storefront Humble Bundle launched a new collection featuring video gaming company Sierra Entertainment’s classic adventure games as well as a host of fresh titles. Gamers can get over $215 of classic and new Sierra-published games in the bundle.

Considered by players as some of the greatest PC hits, the games are now back and playable on modern systems. Gameplay and graphics are the same as when released for the first time to avoid compatibility issues.

The Humble Sierra Bundle is available on Steam, the digital store developed by Valve Corporation. A total of 17 retro gaming masterpieces is part of the Stream bundle. Originally released between 1987 and 2006, all of these PC games are available on Microsoft Windows, and some of them also support Mac and Linux.

Titles include Police Quest, Space Quest, Geometry Wars, Velocity 2X, and much more. Even though most of this games were previously on (Good Old Games), the Steam catalog reaches a wider audience.

Games and prices

Gamers who have the money to buy the complete Humble Sierra Bundle right now, have to pay $215. But for those short on cash or that simply don’t want the whole package, they can choose how much to hand out.

Players who pay at least $1 will unlock the Space Quest Collection, Police Quest Collection, Phantasmagoria 1 and 2, and Shiftlings. For more than $11.34 they will also get Gabriel Knight 1 to 3, Quest for Glory 1 to 5, TimeShift, and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

By spending $15 or more, gamers will further receive the King’s Quest Classic Collection (which offers the seven first installments of the series), Caesar 3 and 4, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved, and Velocity 2X.

For $20 or more, players will own the complete Sierra offering. It contains the King’s Quest: The Complete Collection and everything above. Proceeds from the Humble Sierra Bundle will go to Humble, Sierra and The Call of Duty Endowment, which helps unemployed military veterans find jobs.

Sierra back from the dead

The bundle does nothing but confirm Sierra Entertainment’s comeback. In 2008, parent company Vivendi Games merged with Activision to form Activision Blizzard. Vivendi ceased to exist, and Sierra was closed down by Activision for possible future sale.

However, in a significant turn of events, Activision revived Sierra in 2014. Sierra announced it would re-release older games and collaborate with other studios to create new titles.

The company also disclosed it would focus on publishing downloadable games through PlayStation Network, Steam for PC and Xbox Live. King’s Quest and Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions were the first two games to be released.

Source: Humble Bundle

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