How to Create the Best Conference Booklet

If you want to host a successful conference, you need to prepare your attendees. One of the best ways to do this is to design and print conference booklet, which attendees can use to learn more about the event, plan their schedules, and ultimately have a better experience.

How can you print the best conference booklet?

Printing and Design

First, you’ll want to put together a plan for designing and printing your conference booklet. You’ll need to make sure that your conference booklet is designed professionally so that it makes a better impression and is more readable. You’ll also need to print the booklet as inexpensively as possible while guaranteeing its arrival before your event.

  • Choose an online printer. Most conference booklets are saddle stitched, so find an inexpensive, yet reliable online printing company for saddle stitch booklet printing. Look at the company’s pricing, printing options, timelines, and customer service options. Choose a partner who’s going to be able to support you and provide you with the best possible designs in plenty of time for the event.
  • Invest in professional design. Writing and organizing the conference booklet will make sure it has all the necessary content for your attendees. But it’s also important to professionally design the booklet, so that information is easier to absorb. Work with a professional designer on your team or hire a contractor or agency to handle it for you.
  • Splurge on a few upgrades. Consider spending additional money on a few upgrades for your printing. Investing in a thicker, glossier cover could give people a better first impression of the event, for example.

What to Include

So what should you be including in the conference booklet itself?

  • Directions and guidance. For starters, the conference booklet should explain where the conference is being held and how to get there. Make sure to provide an exterior map so people can easily identify and visit the central location for the conference, and provide directions, parking locations, and advisements related to public transportation.
  • Rules and regulations. This is also an effective place to list the rules and regulations for the conference, if applicable. What are people allowed or disallowed to do here?
  • A schedule of events. One of the most important features of your conference booklet is going to be the schedule of events. When and where are these events going to be held? Who will your speakers be? Which seminars and workshops are going to be most interesting for your attendees?
  • Biographies. If you’re going to have guest speakers, or if you’re interested in showing off internal leadership, make sure you feature a biography page with ample personal information on these professionals.
  • An internal map. Conferences can be difficult to navigate on the inside, so make sure to include an internal map if relevant. Your attendees, with a conference booklet in hand, should have no trouble finding exactly which conference room to attend when they want to hear a specific guest speaker at a specific time. You’ll probably have maps throughout the event space as well, but it doesn’t hurt to give people more information.
  • Other interactive possibilities. Your conference booklet is also an opportunity to provide other interactive opportunities. Keep your guests engaged by giving them the extra blank pages they can use to take notes or gather information. Offer a fun interactive challenge, like a scavenger hunt or a contest to add a layer of entertainment to the event. You can also direct your attendees to social media, encouraging people to use a specific hashtag and post their best photos and videos of the event.
  • Resources and contact information. Finally, include a section for resources and contact information. If people experience any issues with the event, who can they contact and how can they contact them? Who’s in charge of this event?

Measuring Results

Don’t forget to measure your results. If you want to know whether your conference booklet was effective, or if you want direction on how to make a better conference booklet for your next event, you need to quantify its impact.

One of the best ways to do this is to conduct post-event survey. Ask event attendees what they thought of your event, what their experience with the conference booklet was like, and whether they have any suggestions for future events. Most of the time, people will be happy to share their honest opinions with you, and you can use that data to improve your approach.

With a better conference booklet, your event attendees will be more informed, more engaged, and more enthusiastic about attending. It’s a small piece of a big puzzle, but once it’s taken care of, you’ll feel an immediate sense of relief.

Pablo Luna:
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