The Future of Business and Technology You Need to Know Today

The COVID-19 pandemic might’ve crippled many industries and taken the stock market to all-time lows, technology will continue to develop and give us amazing breakthroughs anyway – that’s evident with the recent SpaceX launch and many of the business technology updates we’ve listed below.

Microsoft has started replacing its journalists with AI software.

It was announced last week that Microsoft has let go of dozens of journalists and decided to replace them with artificial intelligence software. The group of staff maintaining the news homepages on Microsoft’s MSN website and Edge browser have been told that robots are taking over their jobs. A staff member who worked on the team said: “I spend all my time reading about how automation and AI are going to take all our jobs, and here I am – AI has taken my job.” Rough, but that’s how the technology works. And whether it’s for the good or bad, one thing is for sure, it’s become inevitable.

LinkedIn has started retargeting by video views and lead-gen forms.

Brands on LinkedIn will soon receive new retargeting options, with those currently using LinkedIn Audience getting new ways to scale their campaigns.

A new cybersecurity warning showed that hackers target your smartphone for company networks.

A new cybersecurity study released information that indicates during the last 90 days of 2019 as well as the first several months of 2020 — an increase of 37% in phishing attacks targeting smartphones. Using laptops and desktops have been used to the threat of emails containing phishing campaigns, but criminals are setting their sights on mobile devices.

This is important for your business since attacks are becoming more difficult to identify on smartphones as compared to regular computers, cybercriminals can easily access business accounts if users log in to phishing pages to access work information on the cloud.

Online retail sales have grown to their highest this past April.

As shown by Inside Retail AU, the retail index for online sales revealed that April showed April as the greatest monthly growth in the history of the index, which is likely because of the different shops and businesses closing due to COVID-19 and going online.

This goes beyond just a retail store. This story shows why diversification is important and opening yourself to opportunities will serve as a way for your business not just to survive, but thrive in the current and future landscape.

If you can sell stuff or services online or even via other channels like independent or distribution sales rep, it’s necessary to have an online presence via a website to ensure that you can sell 24/7 worldwide – or at least where your target markets are. Your first step towards having a website includes accomplishing a domain name search with a registrar and proceeding to host it through a web host, which is typically the registrar as well. Research the company before committing as you’ll be locked-in to a plan once you pay.

Businesses embracing these alternatives can navigate the difficult times we are in, including the social and economic downturn – are you one of them?

Pablo Luna:
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