Categories: Tech

From now on, ask Google maps if there’s traffic ahead

From now on, ask Google maps if there's traffic ahead. ADSL Zone.

Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) updated its Google Maps app for Android devices.  The upgrade integrated Google calendar into the app, alongside a wide array of voice commands that let the driver get directions easily without touching the smartphone.

Those who update Google  Maps will begin seeing events from the calendar directly in the application. The company says the move will provide users with quick navigation through their daily tasks.

Customers can also set up Ok Google voice recognition feature to work in Maps. The service is on by default, and it allows users to issue some voice commands to show certain directions or obtain information.

The update included mute, next turn, ETA, find gas stations, and exit/resume navigation options and rolled out on Sept. 29.

How to use the calendar inside Google Maps?

People will activate Maps’ voice commands by saying “Ok Google.” Image credit: Google/TheUSBPort.

There is a new dedicated option for the calendar in Google Maps. When users tap on it, they can add upcoming appointments to the map. The app will also automatically provide directions to the next event scheduled on the manager.

All users need to do to enjoy this feature is login in both Google Maps and Google Calendar and add a location in the new “Where” tab whenever he or she inputs a new event in the calendar.

The update also comes with a turn off button for users who do not want unnecessary notifications when using the app. The option allows toggling certain information on and off via a dedicated content manager.

Additionally, email confirmations for a hotel, plane, and restaurants are also showing op on Maps.

How does OK Google work?

“Ok Google” commands no longer need the user to activate the microphone manually before speaking when driving.

After the update, users only have to say “Ok Google” and issue a predefined voice command to start navigation, mute the device, seek alternative routes or change driver settings.

The update also allows people to ask Google Maps questions without looking at the screen, like “Is there traffic ahead?” and “What’s my next exit?”

Google maps settings. Image credit: Google.

Google released a sheet detailing the full list of commands available. Some of the best include: Show route overview, “What route is this?,” What’s my ETA?,” “Navigate home,” “Navigate to Starbucks,” “What’s the closest hotel?,” “Find restaurants.”

If the feature is not on by default, users can open the overflow menu, tap Settings and then flick the “Ok Google Detection” from off to on.

Source: Google Blog OK Google command list

Pablo Luna:
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