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Cybersecurity commission pressures Donald Trump to step up

Obama speaks against cyber crimes and urgues the Cyber Security Commission to step up its game with President Elect Donald Trump in command. Image source: Sputnik

A report filed under the name “Securing and Growing the Digital Economy” appeared Thursday on the web, issued by the newly formed Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, comprised of former presidential officials.

The final draft is the result of a request made by former President Barack Obama to this very Commission, which he created, to analyze the current state of cybersecurity matters in the United States.

The report notes that recent events have underscored its importance. Though unspecified, last week’s hack of the San Francisco Metro Light Rail System and the massive Dyn DDoS attack in October are likely to be on that list.

Obama hopes to make a successful transition of power in the White House, with a high marking point on Internet security and cyber crimes. Image Source: Venture Beat

The panel comprises twelve members from the former Obama administration

The report highlights the urge for new policies and further technological advancements to help counter ever growing threats, a trend that has expanded among governmental agencies all over the world.

In more than a hundred pages, it suggests, among other things, the appointment of a cybersecurity assistant to the soon-to-be President, Donald Trump. The President-elect might follow these indications, as he has expressed grave concerns about cyber security earlier.

Members of the Commission include acting Chair Thomas E. Donilon, former National Security Advisor to Barack Obama and Vice-Chair Samuel J. Palmisano, retired Chairman and CEO of the IBM Corporation.

Former President of the U.S., Barack Obama brought the misinformation topic more than once when talking with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO. Image Source: Business InsiderFormer President of the U.S., Barack Obama brought the misinformation topic more than once when talking with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO. Image Source: Business Insider
Former President of the U.S., Barack Obama brought the misinformation topic more than once when talking with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO. Image Source: Business Insider

The document presents six imperative actions needed to secure the nation’s digital future

The first action the newly-elected President should take ought to be the protection of current information infrastructure and digital networks before any advancements can be fruitful. The report also suggests, quite explicitly, a private-public joint initiative for cyber security.

To better equip the government to fight incoming digital threats, the Administration should institute a program to bring together all civilian agencies’ network connections, the report says. The resulting system would be under management by a newly established cybersecurity and infrastructure protection agency.

Most of these actions represent medium-to-long term solutions for the current state of affairs regarding the nation’s internet safety problems. The panel only presents the next Administration with educated suggestions and not original orders.

Symantec buys LifeLock for 2.3 billion. Image: Forbes Mexico.

A hopeful vision for a safer cyberspace in the United States

The first step is to ensure that both government and private sector are working together continuously, according to the document. Next, the establishment of a unified Cybersecurity Framework for all agencies.

The report even discusses the importance of the IoT (Internet of Things), acknowledging its significant presence in these plans. It advises that IoT-related laws should undergo improvement.

Other possible plans include the formation of 100,000 Commission-sanctioned cyber security practitioners by 2020 and the introduction of school subjects that deal with this field.

Mandatory training programs and a wider democratization of technology would take part in the National Cybersecurity Strategy, a document that the reports states should come out within the first six months of the Administration. So far, The Trump campaign has not made any comments on this matter.

Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology

Pablo Luna:
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