Comedy Central drops “The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore”

Comedy Central, The Nightly Show, Larry WilmoreComedy Central, The Nightly Show, Larry Wilmore

Willmore says his show's cancellation is part of Comedy Central's "Unblackening." Image credit: Bet.

On Monday, August 16, the TV network Comedy Central announced “The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore” would be canceled after two seasons due to poor ratings, ending its run this Thursday night.

The announcement follows a complicated couple of months for the network since the departure of their two biggest figures last year and a lineup of new shows that intend to be the next generation of homegrown comedy at the iconic channel.

“The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore” is a late-night talk show along the lines of Comedy Central’s flagship shows centered on politics and daily news like “The Daily Show.” In fact, like many other comedians and colleagues, Larry Wilmore got his own show thanks to his role on the Jon Stewart-led series.

The show tried to follow the success John Stewart, Bill Maher, and John Oliver have with their shows 

Much like his appearances as a correspondent on “The Daily Show,” “The Nightly Show” leans heavily on political and racial issues. The short-format features a prominent panel discussion segment, in which different guests and panelists argue their views on a particular subject.

Despite being a comedy show, Larry Wilmore’s “The Nightly Show” often had more material than it could work with, as the racial tensions in several U.S. towns have led and continue to result in riots, protests, killings, and other events which Wilmore would address for thirty minutes every night.

Another stellar segment on Larry Wilmore is the bold “Keep it 100” spot, during which the featured guest of the evening has to answer a polemic question right then and there. Often making for entertaining and hilarious moments, the 54-year-old host has bet for different, daring strategies to inspire genuine insight on viewers.

Nevertheless, during an interview with Variety, the president of Comedy Central Kent Alterman stated that the decision was difficult and not at all personal.

“As much as we thought ‘Nightly’ was evolving creatively it just wasn’t resonating with our audience,” the cable executive said in an interview.

What’s next Larry Wilmore and Comedy Central?

With Wilmore gone and the 11:30 p.m. timeslot vacant, the popular game show “@midnight with Chris Hardwick” will be moving on to occupy the Nightly Show’s spot.

As for the show itself, its host Larry Wilmore will have four more episodes to end with a bang featuring the comedienne Julie Klausner this Monday night. Followed by U.S. Senator of Connecticut Chris Murphy on Tuesday, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on Wednesday, and the TV host Alison Stewart on its final show the 18th of August.

Larry Wilmore serves as an executive producer in the critically acclaimed ABC sitcom “Black-ish” and in the upcoming HBO comedy “Insecure”, premiering on Sunday, October 9, at the 10:30 p.m. slot.

Source: Variety

Rafael Fariñas:
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