All that you should know about Business Planning

All that you should know about Business PlanningAll that you should know about Business Planning

Usually, people believe business is the name of an action, and ‘go with the flow’ is the strategy for many whole-hearted entrepreneurs. They get into the action without getting into a strategic thinking zone and focusing on hardcore execution. It works for the businesses in the short term, but the real signs of progress can only be determined in the longer run.

Extensive Business Planning helps a business to define the basis of its existence, growth plans for the future, execution strategy, etc. It also enables the businesses to evaluate their current practices (if made on a regular, periodic basis), how they can compete with rivals and what are the threats and opportunities in the current competitive environment.

The right Business Plan is the fundamental difference between companies that become history and those who achieve massive milestones.

Typically, business planning is done in the form of preparation of crucial documents to cover each important aspect of the business. There is no standard format of document presentation or mandatory areas of the business to analyze, but the following are the areas almost every company cover when they do business planning:

    1. Industry Analysis
    2. Customer Segmentation
    3. Product Analysis
    4. Marketing Overview
    5. Competitor Analysis
    6. Human Resources Planning
    7. Financial Planning
    8. Key Targets and Aspirations

Now here are the few tips to create a reasonable and effective business plan:

Insights and Research:

One of the biggest traits of the business planning phase is that it allows businesses to look beyond their internal activities and see what’s happening in the industry. This is how they analyze to maneuver their strategy accordingly. The quality of insights and in-depth research on multiple domains makes them the industry movers and shakers. Hence, it is vital to gain as much insight as they can to foresee where the market is going forward.

Moreover, businesses without comprehensive planning typically fall into the ploy of basic yet critical problems like they don’t get benefits of the best short term business loans for their liquidity and investment options for their long term financing.

Balance between Reality and Aspirations:

When it comes to planning, a lot of people dwell on their aspirations and set unrealistic goals, hence not reaping the fruits of business planning. A realistic approach gives an ample chance to test their assumptions. For example, if no other company has achieved any “XYZ” targets in the last 10 years in your industry, how your company would do it. Therefore, it is advised to be wishful but stay realistic too.

Documentation and Comparison:

A business plan must have all the progress documented with reasonable comparison from the previous year’s progress. It must be noted along with competitor and industry records with the help of ratios and comparatives. This approach will enable you to track past performance, key learning, present challenges, future strategy, and line of action for the future. It can further be elaborated to simplify by making plans for every quarter, semiannual and yearly plans, along with their corresponding comparison periods.


Business Planning cannot ensure the safe and smooth execution of any business, but it prepares a business for the way forward. The planning helps to efficiently manage any shocks or surprises possible for the business in a competitive environment.

Pablo Luna:
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