Categories: Tech

Apple achieves payment equality for employees

Apple achieves payment equality for employees milestoneApple achieves payment equality for employees milestone

Apple is once again in legal disputes with mobile giant Nokia, after the silicon vally company supposedly violated patent agreementsImage credit: Get Busy

Earlier this Wednesday, August 3, the tech giant Apple published its latest “Inclusion and Diversity” numbers on their official website, which reported a significant advance towards closing the pay gap among its workforce.

The company has gathered data on all of its employees’ compensations since last year’s report and has enforced a policy of equal pay by redistributing resources to achieve balance. As a result, Apple claims that female workers and minorities earn equal pay in comparison with male and white co-workers’ salaries.

“WE’VE ACHIEVED PAY EQUITY IN THE UNITED STATES FOR SIMILAR ROLES AND PERFORMANCE,” states the Silicon Valley powerhouse in its annual report.

Apple joins Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and PayPal on the list of companies who reportedly hold no gap in payment for their employees.

Apple has been hiring more women since 2014

The annual “Inclusive and Diversity” report not only addressed pay equity on Apple’s businesses but also included figures that specifically illustrate how diverse its workforce is.

37% of all new employees recruited since June 2015 were female, whereas 27% belonged to the “underrepresented minorities” group, which includes African American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander workers, according to the official site.

These reported trends show a progressive increase compared to numbers from last years, as both minorities and female hires have seen a 6% jump since 2014. Moreover, women and minorities represent a 32% and 22% of Apple’s 2016 working force respectively.

Locally in the United States, the company showed a detailed breakdown of the employees hired during the last twelve months which totals at 54% for new minority recruits and 46% of white workers.

Apple supports workforce equality, but not at the top of the command chain

Regarding gender, the San Francisco-based tech company reported a 68% majority of male workers, while women account for the remaining 32% in all work categories. The “Tech” and “Non-tech” areas show the widest and closest gaps in workforce gender equality, with a 77% and 62% representation respectively for male employees.

Regarding race and ethnicity, Apple revealed that over half of their employees in the U.S. are white, while the remaining 44% is spread among minorities out of which Asians and Hispanics have the highest representation at 19% and 12% respectively.

Apple achieves payment equality for employees. Image from YouTube

While the tech company’s primary muscle shows steady progress in diversity in comparison with previous years, the team at the top continues to be mostly composed of white males.

The latest generation of Apple devices is reportedly coming next month, as fans and enthusiasts await official confirmation from the tech giant on when they will get to see the new iPhone, iPad and who knows what more.

Source: Apple

Rafael Fariñas:
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