Categories: Apps

5 Ways You Can Use Periscope to Boost your Business

Periscope is a mobile-based video streaming application that lets you broadcast live to an audience. Periscope is also able to boost your business or brand by following some simple steps.

Purchased by Twitter earlier in 2015, the application was made available to the public a few months later and saw 1million sign-ups within 10 days of its launch.

Shortly, 4 months later, Periscope was reported to have a user-base that crossed 10 million.

As the number 1 fastest growing social network, Periscope allows just about anyone to start a live video feed from anywhere, at any given time, using their mobile device.

Imagine the multitude of applications it offers to brands and business organizations when used correctly.

If you’re wondering what some of them are, we’ve put together a list of the most vital ones below.

It virtually brings a personal touch

The Periscope video streaming site logo is displayed on the screen of an Apple Inc. iPhone in this arranged photograph taken in London, U.K., on Friday, May, 15, 2015. Facebook Inc. reached a deal with New York Times Co. and eight other media outlets to post stories directly to the social networkÕs mobile news feeds, as publishers strive for new ways to expand their reach. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/BloombergThe Periscope video streaming site logo is displayed on the screen of an Apple Inc. iPhone in this arranged photograph taken in London, U.K., on Friday, May, 15, 2015. Facebook Inc. reached a deal with New York Times Co. and eight other media outlets to post stories directly to the social networkÕs mobile news feeds, as publishers strive for new ways to expand their reach. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Yes, ‘Periscope’ lets you reach a wide crowd virtually, but it certainly manages to bring in a personal touch.

When your followers view you on your live feed, they aren’t just listening to a recorded message, nor are they merely reading an e-mailer or promotional offer on on their screen. They’re listening to you live, watching your every move and paying close attention to the deliverer in the video: ‘You’.

Unlike traditional marketing efforts, Periscope allows your followers to watch your behavior, listen to your voice, imagine your character and perceive human aspects of your broadcast too.

This eventually leads to a feeling of familiarity, trust and confidence in a brand or business.

Audience insights


An interesting feature on Periscope is one where your listeners can ask you questions and queries in a real-time fashion, whilst listening-in on your seminar.

Now you may wonder how this is different from Facebook or Twitter. Essentially, very different. While you would reply to your audience’s queries on traditional sites by typing out a message to address the question, Periscope allows you to continue live broadcasting answers to questions as they come.

Your listeners will receive answers instantaneously and from the horse’s mouth.

Thousands of new sign-ups

Brands and business organizations have spent innumerable hours strategizing and trying to figure out how to optimally utilize social platforms to market their products and services.

Part of the problem lies in the fact that these platforms are saturated with a number of marketers targeting users one after the other.

Since Periscope is yet to be adopted by a large majority of big brands, small businesses stand a chance to capture mindshare among existing users before the biggies arrive onboard.

Unlimited opportunities

There are a host of ways in which Periscope could help any business. From a simple instructional video that is helpful to your consumers, to an elaborate ad that offers a discount on jeans, the video you put out can be crafted with content to suit your messaging and business needs.

Your Periscope videos could feature your products, conduct live Q&A sessions regarding services you provide, highlight special promotions and offers, as well as put out live snippets from an exclusive event.

Periscope lets you personalize, animate and build around your brand in any way that you could imagine interactive live engagement.


We live in a fast-paced World, where consumers are constantly on the look out for a better product, a superior service and above all a constantly positive user-experience.

With real-time live interactions possible with your customers, you are able to build a sense of loyalty over faceless brands that are less accessible for the public to interact with.

Also read: Twitter Periscope Vs FB Live Video: What’s the difference?

Other perks of being on Periscope include not having to edit your speeches, no online commercials, leeway to be yourself and you’ll still be well-liked, as well as that it will help you get over your fear of public speaking, if you possess one.

So if you’re not on Periscope yet, sign yourself up and broadcast your first live stream.

Daniel Contreras:
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